Saturday, November 15, 2014

Aging with Grace

So profound has been my metamorphosis at the age of 50, that I can hardly recognize myself.  I have finally arrived! I have come to know and accept my true Self, the good, the bad and the ugly! I'm comfortable in my own skin and body.  I have forgiven myself and others. And I have finally chosen to LIVE. Yes, to live, simply because I want to, because I enjoy it, because I matter.  I am no longer willing to forfeit my power, or to hide the beauty of my soul.

"Midlife is not a crisis; it's a time of rebirth.  It's not a time to accept your death; it's a time to accept your LIFE - and to finally, truly live it, as you and you alone know deep in your heart it was meant to be lived." Marianne Williamson, The Age of Miracles, Embracing the New Midlife.
I have finally gotten started on what matters the most to me, what I was meant to do: a Spiritual Warrior here to unite with others to become an Ocean of Love, to heal myself and the World. And now I have finally given myself the permission to live fully.

How about you, Dear One? How about you? Are you willing to accept yourself and your Light and to play full out in life? Are you willing to have the Glorious Life you were meant to live? Join me on Healers Without Borders for Conversations for Healing such as these.


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